Chart of Account Grouping

From the menu bar, click Maintenance, click Ledger Maintenance and click Chart of Account Group or press Alt N L A on the keyboard.

Groupings further defines the type of ledger account and determines the placement of the ledger account on the accounting reports. The groupings should be listed in the order you want them to appear on the financial statements.

Example: under type Asset and sub type Current Assets you might have the groupings 'Cash on Hand & Bank', 'Accounts Receivable', 'Inventory', 'Investments' and 'Prepaid Expenses'. If you want the 'Cash on Hand & Bank' to list first on your balance sheet under the heading Current Assets, 'Cash on Hand & Bank' should list first in the Chart of Account Grouping table.

Note: It is recommended that groups sent with the software not be deleted. If a group is not used (ledger accounts not assigned to the group) it will not appear on the financial statements.


Adding a Grouping

Changing a Grouping

Chart of Account Grouping Data Fields